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Notre Histoire

Mon Resto Saint-Michel émerge des besoins témoignés par des citoyens du quartier au cours de l’assemblée générale du Centre Éducatif René-Goupil en 1993.De ce désir est né l’organisme en 1994, qui préconise la saine alimentation accessible à tous, dans un milieu de vie accueillant et dans le respect des individus. Il se veut aussi un lieu de rencontre, d’échange d’information, de formation, d’entraide et de solidarité.

Ancre 2

Mon Resto Saint-Michel travaille sur des axes complémentaires: la sécurité alimentaire, le soutien aux familles et l'insertion socio-économique des individus. De par sa philosophie de prise en charge individuelle et collective, l'organisme a développé des projets qui contribuent à créer un milieu de vie favorable à l'épanouissement des familles.


Il mise sur le citoyen en tant qu'acteur de changement et de transformation sociale pour le développement de sa communauté.

Mon Resto Saint-Michel prône la prise en charge individuelle et mise sur le potentiel des citoyens pour qu’ils participent en tant qu’acteurs au développement de la communauté micheloise.


Enfance - Famille

Bedondaine, Relevailles, Ateliers de Stimulation,  Halte-garderie-Répit,  Ateliers de Compétences Parentales, Préparation à l'école, Ateliers de jeu parent-enfant , Camp de jour, Sorties Familiales


Sécurité alimentaire



Favoriser l'accès à un service de repas nutritif à moindre coût et ce, peu importe la condition économique et sociale des personnes


Insertion professionnelle

Formations, aide-générale en cuisine, Suivis, Rencontres de groupe, Ateliers interpersonnels.

Dépannage alimentaire, Cuisines collectives, Ateliers de nutrition,  Magasin Partage de Noël et  transformation alimentaire.



Mon Resto Saint-Michel a pour mission d'accompagner les citoyens dans la lutte à la pauvreté, en misant sur leurpotentiel en tant que principaux acteurs de changement. L'organisme mobilise les forces de la communauté en vue d'unmeilleur développement social, économique et culturel.  À travers ses actions concertées, intégrées et multisectorielles,Mon Resto Saint-Michel contribue à l'amélioration de la qualité de vie des Michelois.


Mon Resto Saint-Michel

Offre aux familles et individus la sécurité alimentaire, un soutien et accompagnement.Propose un volet social qui brise l’isolement des individus pour faire échec à la détresse psychologique et à la violence. Favorise l’entraide, la solidarité, le renforcement des capacités et la valorisation des acquis.Réduit l’effet de ghettoïsation en faisant le lien entre l’habitat social et la communauté environnante. Ranime le sentiment d’appartenance et la notion de citoyenneté. Contribue à améliorer la qualité de vie et la santé des familles et des individus du quartier.


Mon Resto Saint-Michel has forged, since its creation, a bond of trust both with the social and economic actors of the Saint-Michel district, and with the citizens who call on its services.

The accessibility of its services, the availability of its workers and the development of partnerships with various stakeholders in the community, allow the organization to respond effectively to the needs of the less fortunate people of Saint-Michel. In an environment where precariousness and isolation are present, Mon Resto Saint-Michel offers alternatives to overcome the various problems.

Through its various actions, it promotes community cohesion, provokes strategies to revitalize space, by offering citizens the opportunity to exchange and share. Also, it gives rise to the feeling of belonging and the notion of citizenship. These actions are based on the synergy of a dynamic and creative team, volunteers dedicated to the organization and a solid partnership with the community and institutional environment.

The results are certainly satisfactory and we can be proud because we have acquired recognition and credibility, but the needs remain glaring. Thus, our challenge is to consolidate the funding from which we benefit in order to continue to act in the interest of human dignity. Mon Resto Saint-Michel remains committed to this solidarity drive for the sustainable development of our society.

Thank you for placing your trust in us and getting involved with us.

Hamid Kartti

Director of Mon Resto Saint-Michel 

conseil d'administration

Our Team

Since its creation, Mon Resto Saint-Michel has forged a bond of trust both with the social and economic actors of the Saint-Michel district and with the citizens who call upon its services.
The accessibility of its services, the availability of its stakeholders and the development of partnerships with various stakeholders in the community, allow the organization to respond effectively to the needs of the less fortunate people of Saint-Michel. In an environment where precariousness and isolation are present, Mon Resto Saint-Michel comes to offer alternatives to curb the different issues.
Through its various actions, it promotes community cohesion, provokes strategies for energizing space, offering citizens the opportunity to exchange and share. Also, it gives rise to the feeling of belonging and the notion of citizenship. These actions are based on the synergy of a dynamic and creative team, dedicated volunteers and a strong partnership with the community and institutional community.
The record is certainly satisfactory and we can be proud because we have gained recognition and credibility, but the needs remain glaring. Thus, our challenge is to consolidate the funding we have to continue to act for the sake of human dignity. My Resto Saint-Michel remains committed to this solidarity drive for the sustainable development of our society.
Thank you for giving us your trust and getting involved with us.

Hamid Kartti


Since its creation, Mon Resto Saint-Michel has forged a bond of trust both with the social and economic actors of the Saint-Michel district and with the citizens who call upon its services.
The accessibility of its services, the availability of its stakeholders and the development of partnerships with various stakeholders in the community, allow the organization to respond effectively to the needs of the less fortunate people of Saint-Michel. In an environment where precariousness and isolation are present, Mon Resto Saint-Michel comes to offer alternatives to curb the different issues.
Through its various actions, it promotes community cohesion, provokes strategies for energizing space, offering citizens the opportunity to exchange and share. Also, it gives rise to the feeling of belonging and the notion of citizenship. These actions are based on the synergy of a dynamic and creative team, dedicated volunteers and a strong partnership with the community and institutional community.
The record is certainly satisfactory and we can be proud because we have gained recognition and credibility, but the needs remain glaring. Thus, our challenge is to consolidate the funding we have to continue to act for the sake of human dignity. My Resto Saint-Michel remains committed to this solidarity drive for the sustainable development of our society.
Thank you for giving us your trust and getting involved with us.

Hamid Kartti

Our Team

Prizes and recognition

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